Steam my punk.
Film my noir.
Musings, works and events of some hippy from Brisbane town.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm Seeing Dinosaurs

A few days before new years I found myself at a music festival watching a friend graffiti a caravan as part of an art show there. The man curating the event recognised me from an exhibition a few years back and invited me to have a paint on one of the other trailers. I had absolutely nothing.

I feel like there should be something I can draw under any circumstances. Be it nervous, put on the spot, or even just drunk. As such, I've resolved that 2011 will be the year I become awesome at drawing dinosaurs.

Giganotosaurus. Like a T-rex, but bigger, with capable arms and hunted in packs.

Triceratops. Recently found to just be the adolescent stage of another breed of dinosaur altogether.

Velociraptor. Drawn for Tegan, who's recently made a point of letting people know that she fucks raptors in the form of a badge campaign.

This started out as a fairly silly project, but I'd actually recommend that other artists try it. Their anatomy is so completely different to people that it's nothing like life drawing and can be a nice little challenge for hand and brain.


  1. Hey Cormac, sorry to bother you, but couldn't find another way to get in touch. Hope you'll see this.

    Pretty sure I moved into your old place in Musgrave Rd; I've returned some of your mail since, but you got one yesterday from the Office of the Lord Mayor. Since you're an artist, I thought maybe it was about the Fellowship and I should try to track you down.

    So. Happy to forward future mail if you'd like me to, or return it, or whatever. Loving this place as well. Cheers, Danny Murphy [at] hotmail d/com.

  2. And now I'm embarrassed. Just got the same letter, which is a puff about buying the Milton Tennis Centre. Sorry.

    Still happy to forward anything or just send it back. Good luck with your comic work, Danny Murphy
