Steam my punk.
Film my noir.
Musings, works and events of some hippy from Brisbane town.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Skull Play

Spent most of the week so far drawing the human skull from multiple angles. Partly in an effort to flesh out my portfolio but also as a bit of character play. The fellow on the left is called a Revenaut, and I hope to draw a lot more of him and his ilk later on.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Pieces

Two new works for this week, Ronin and Phoenix.

Not 100% happy with either. Ronin is so Japalophilic it hurts, too much over-spray and the dripping doesn't quite fit. Phoenix I'm happier with than I expected to be, it was mostly an experiment in drip and splatter effects.

Still, nice to be playing around. Both put together, start to finish in the one evening.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The New Scum Show #2 Exhibition

Made a shy return to the Brisbane art show last week with The New Scum Show #2.

The original New Scum Show being an exhibition the same two artists and I did in October 2009 at The Fort.

It was a really fun opening night, with three pieces selling. Which possibly means that I've come back stronger after a nearly 3 year hiatus.

I'm back, baby.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You know who else hates collectors? Commander Shepard. So there's that.

There's been a recurring argument in my life recently that I'd like to address. The art of blasphemous fuck all. If you have a bottle of Foster's Light Ice hanging around, yeah I can understand letting it go to waste. But let's say you have a bottle of Mountain Goat Cross Bread IPA? Let's crack that fucker and drink to our health.

This goes back to an old hate for collectors. People who own outstanding categories of their class for the expressed purpose of not using them. This is utterly deplorable. Booze is for drinking. Guns are for shooting. Guitars are for playing.

I tried this once. A favourite writer of mine (Neil Gaiman) did a two issue run on Batman. I bought the issues as they came out along with alternate covers, then later bought the hardcover collection of the two. So I already had two copies of each issue, figure I'll read one and keep the other for mint value, right? Sure, good plan. Yet over time this went a bit Tell-Tale Heart. There was a comic in my house, one that I knew was exceptional, that hadn't been read. The minute that thought entered my mind I cracked the plastic sealing and revisited the story.

I also have a tidy vinyl collection, All of which I spin regularly. Neil Gaiman's signiture is in my house at least twice. As is his wife's, who happens to be my favourite musician. As well as Kevin Conroy's (my favourite actor of Batman). If I decided not to read these books, not to listen to this music, not to watch these performances, am I viewing it as the Fosters or the Mountain Goat?