I love my job.
I've never had any illusions about this creative career business. It won't sustain itself. Best case scenario is that I have a lifetime of people asking when I'm going to write a 'real' book.
I will always have the other job, and this one is sweet. It's involves all the things that were never meant to be in bar work because they would be too amazing. But these ~60 hour weeks are burning me out.
These next few days will be different.
I won't be at work.
I won't be anywhere near work.
I won't see anyone I know from work.
I won't think about work.
I will get out of town.
I will drink wine and smoke cigars with my mum.
I will get a new tattoo.
I will write. My word, shall I write.
Then I will return, and I will love my job again, but remember how to have time for the other loves.
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago