Steam my punk.
Film my noir.
Musings, works and events of some hippy from Brisbane town.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Amanda Fucking Palmer

I had the pleasure of seeing my greatest Muse perform last night, and even got a vinyl signed for my trouble:

The last time I saw her she was with Zoe Keating, David Davidson, and the Danger Ensumble (four actors from Zen Zen Zo). It was a very theatrical performance and finally dethroned Tool as the best live show of my life. This time around had a more improvised street theatre feel to it. Like something I'd find in a random, dark tent while wandering around Woodford Folk Festival close to midnight. Which is no bad thing.

In other news I'm currently ankle deep in a rising sea of sketch paper working on a short comic for Phatsville as well as a small mural for The Mana Bar. Simply put, I could be gone a while.